Presentations and Publications

Overview | Books | Reports | Presentations | Publications | YouTube Videos

I write to find out what I am thinking
- Edward Albee, playwright


I have enjoyed many and varied writing and speaking opportunities. Presented here, in reverse chronological order by categories, are examples of my publications and presentations about mostly nontechnical topics such as managing, leading, communication, education, and professional practice.

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The Communicative Engineer: How to Ask, Listen, Write, Speak, and Use Visuals, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2024.

Engineering’s Public-Protection Predicament: Reform Education and Licensure for a Safer Society, Hannah Publishing, Valparaiso, IN, 2021.

Introduction to Creativity and Innovation for Engineers, Pearson, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2017.

Engineering Your Future: The Professional Practice of Engineering, Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ and ASCE Press, Reston, VA, 2012.

Project Plans: Doing Projects Twice the Smart Way, CreateSpace, Charleston, SC, 2010.

Managing and Leading: 44 Lessons Learned for Pharmacists (co-authored with Paul Bush), ASHP,  Bethesda, MD, 2008.

Managing and Leading: 52 Lessons Learned for Engineers, ASCE Press, Reston, VA, 2004.

Engineering Your Future: The Non-Technical Side of Professional Practice in Engineering and Other Technical Fields, Second Edition, ASCE Press, New York, NY, 2000.

Flying Solo: How to Start an Individual Practitioner Consulting Business, Hannah Publishing, Valparaiso, IN, 2000.

Engineering Your Future: Launching a Successful Entry-Level Technical Career in Today’s
Business Environment, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995.

Urban Surface Water Management, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1989.

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Reports - Selected

As an ASCE volunteer, I drafted/edited the following reports:

ASCE. 2008. Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century-Second Edition.

ASCE. 2007. The Vision for Civil Engineering in 2025.

ASCE. 2004. Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century.

ASCE. 2001. Engineering the Future of Civil Engineering.

As an NSPE volunteer, I was a major author of:
NSPE. 2013. Engineering Body of Knowledge

As an ASCE volunteer, I authored the 2015 white paper:
"Comparison of Today's EAC/ABET Engineering Degree Criteria to
Future Capabilities Recommended in NSPE's
Engineering Body of Knowledge"

As an ASCE member, I authored the unsolicited 2017 white paper:
“ASCE’s Raise the Bar Initiative:
Building on Past Progress to Maintain the Momentum”

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Presentations - Selected

“The Communicative Engineer,” presented to a joint meeting of the Purdue Fort Wayne (Indiana) NSPE Student Chapter and the Anthony Wayne Indiana Society of Professional Engineers Chapter, November 15, 2024.

“The Communicative Engineer,” presented virtually to a joint meeting of the Purdue Fort Wayne (Indiana) NSPE Student Chapter and the Anthony Wayne Indiana Society of Professional Engineers Chapter, February 16, 2024.

“The Engineer as Communicator: Why and How We Should Do Better,” presented at the annual conference of the Indiana Society of Engineers, June 2023.

“Engineering Licensure-Exemption Laws: Forewarned is Forearmed,” presented virtually to a joint meeting of the Purdue Fort Wayne (Indiana) NSPE Student Chapter and the Anthony Wayne Indiana Society of Professional Engineers Chapter, February 17, 2023.

“Innovation in Engineering: How to Do It,” presented virtually to members of the Transportation Learning Network, November 16, 2022.

“Licensure-Exemption Laws: Three Supports and How to Weaken Them,” presented at the annual conferences of the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) and the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers (ISPE) on, respectively, May 5 and June 10, 2022.

“Quality: What Is It and How Do We Achieve It?” presented virtually to members of the Transportation Learning Network, April 13, 2022.

“Engineering Codes and Licensure-Exemption Laws: How to Resolve the Ethical Dilemma and Protect the Public,” webinars presented for Midwest Sciences Group to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, April 11 and 21 and May 25, 2022.

“Engineering’s Licensure-Exemption Predicament: What You Could Do About It,” presented virtually to the Mt. Rainier Chapter of the Washington Society of Professional Engineers (WSPE), September 15, 2021.

“Engineering’s Public-Protection Challenges: Suggested Solutions,” presented at the virtual annual conference of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers (ISPE), July 14, 2021.

“Engineering Excellence and Engineer Exemplars: Lessons Learned for PEs,” presented at the virtual annual conferences of the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) and the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers (ISPE), respectively, on May 7 and June 10, 2021.

“Using Brain Basics to Work Smarter,” presented to the SunCoast Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Sarasota, FL, November 19, 2020.

“Innovation in Civil Engineering,” a webinar presented as part of ASCE’s continuing education program, November 18, 2020.

“Engineering Exemptions and Education: Diminish the First and Enhance the Second,” presented at the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers (ISPE) Annual Conference (virtual), June 3-5, 2020.

“Engineering Exemptions and Education: Diminish the First and Enhance the Second,” a webinar presented as part of National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) PE Institute webinar series, archived, May 20, 2020.

“Can Doing Art Make You Even More Communicative and Creative?” presented at TRIZCON19 – The annual conference of the Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies, Purdue University, May 20-22, 2019.

“Avoid Being Stung by Einstellung: Then Innovate,” presented at Annual Conference of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), Las Vegas, NV, July 20, 2018.

“Design Fixation: Fix It and Innovate More,” presented at the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June 8, 2018.

“Brainology,” presented at the Boca Royale Golf and Country Club, Cape Haze, FL, February 15, 2018.

“Innovation: It’s in the Brain!” a webinar co-presented with Claude Goguen, PE, Director of Sustainability and Technical Education, National Precast Concrete Association, Carmel, IN, October 5, 2017.

“Use Neuroscience 101 to be More Innovative, Productive Engineers” presented to members of the Public Works, Environmental, and Transportation Department, City of San Jose, CA, July 21, 2017.

“Would Doing Art Make You an Even Better Engineer?” presented at the annual conference of the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers, Indianapolis, IN, June 10, 2017.

“Using Neuroscience to Study and Work Smarter,” presentation to civil engineering students and faculty, College of Engineering, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN, October 5, 2016.

“Art as Part of Science and Engineering Education?” Pearson’s “Learning Makes Us” continuing education webinar series for faculty, October 3 – 14, 2016.

“Using Neuroscience to Work Smarter: More Effective, Creative, Innovative,” presented at the Third U.S. – Japan Geoenvironmental Engineering Workshop, Chicago, IL, August 13-14, 2016.

“You, Your Brain, and the Rest of Your Life” presented at the Indiana Fraternal Alliance Annual Meeting, Michigan City, IN, August 5, 2016.

“Art as Part of an Engineer’s Education?”, Reunion Conference on Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 24, 2016.

“Possible Influences of the NSPE EBOK and the AAES Engineering Competency Model on the CEBOK3” and “Neuroscience 101: Might Your Teaching and Their Learning Benefit?”, presented at the national ASEE Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016.

“Neuroscience 101: Might Your Teaching and Their Learning Benefit?”, “10 + 10: Writing and Speaking Tips,” and “Ethical Behavior: Earning Trust,” College of Engineering, Mathematics, and Science, University of Wisconsin, Platteville, WI, April 7, 2016.

“Proposed Revisions to ABET General Criteria 3 and 5: A Practitioner’s Perspective,” presented (invited) at the Forum on Proposed Revisions to ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission General Criteria on Student Outcomes and Curriculum (Criteria 3 and 5), National Academy of Engineering, Washington, DC, February 16, 2016.

"Working Smarter: More Effective, Efficient, and Innovative," half-day workshop for the Leadership Team, Valparaiso City Utilities, Valparaiso, IN, October 15, 2015.

"Creativity and Innovation as Part of the Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge," presented at the national ASEE Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, June 14-17, 2015.

"The Human Brain: An Engineer's Pragmatic View," presented at the Annual Conference of the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers, Indianapolis, IN, June 12, 2015.

"NSPE's Pan-Engineering Body of Knowledge," presented at the national ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June 15-18, 2014.

"Engineering Body of Knowledge: Tomorrow's Engineer," presented at the Annual Conference of the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers, Indianapolis, IN, June 13, 2014.

"Using Brain Basics to Work Smarter," presented to ASCE's SunCoast Branch, Sarasota, FL, March 20, 2014.

"A Whole-Brain Approach to Utility Management," a presentation and breakouts at the Joint Utility Management Seminar sponsored by the Indiana Section of the American Water Works Association and the Indiana Water Environment Association, Indianapolis, IN, October 31, 2013.

"A Half Brain is Good: A Whole Brain Much Better!" a presentation and workshop at the ASCE Iowa Section Annual Conference, Ames, IA, September 12, 2013.

"Adopt a Whole-Brain Approach to Increase Your Engineering and Leadership Effectiveness," a presentation and workshop at the ASCE Florida Section Annual Conference, Sarasota, FL, July 11-13, 2013.

“Loose Ends and the Rest of Your Life,” presented to the Hammocks Condominium Association, Cape Haze, FL, April 10, 2013.

"Marketing: Sleazy Activity or Mutually-Beneficial Process?," presented at the  Annual Conference of the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers, Indianapolis, IN, June 14-15, 2013.

"Innovation for Civil and Environmental Professionals," a workshop conducted at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, October 16-17, 2012.

"Creativity in Engineering Education and Research," College of Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, October 5, 2012.

“A Half Brain is Good: A Whole Brain Much Better,” presented at the ASEE Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, June 10-13, 2012.

“Raise the Bar Initiative: The BOK and Leadership Lessons Learned,” presented at the ASEE Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, June 10-13, 2012.

“Benefits of Developing a Creative/Innovative Culture in Your Firm,” presented at the Spring Meeting of ASFE: The Geoprofessional Business  Association, Orlando, Fl,  April 19-21, 2012.

“Solving Problems and Pursuing Opportunities: A More Creative Approach,” a webinar sponsored by the ASCE Continuing Education program, March 7, 2012.

"Enhancing Engineers' Creativity and Innovation: A Whole-Brain Approach," Invited Kirlin Lecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Maryland, October 12, 2011.

“Enhancing the Creativity and Innovation of Engineers: Why and How,” 5th Course Lecture, Civil Engineering School, Castilla LaMancha University, Ciudad Real, Spain, September 19, 2011.

"Project Management and Creativity/Innovation," Portion of the graduate course Master of Leadership in Engineering, Civil Engineering School, Castilla LaMancha University, Ciudad Real, Spain, September 19-22, 2011.

 “Enhancing Engineers’ Creativity and Innovation: Why and How,” 2nd Reunion Conference on Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, August 3-5, 2011.

“Enhancing the Creativity and Innovation of Project Managers: Why and How,” presented to the Project Management Institute - Calumet Chapter, Merrillville, IN, May 25, 2011.

“Engineering Your Future in Challenging Economic Times: 10 Tips,” presented at the Annual Convention of the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers, Indianapolis, IN, May 14-16, 2009.

“Vision for Civil Engineering in 2025 and Related Education Reform: The U.S. Experience,” presented as the invited keynote at the 1st International Engineering and Construction Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 21-23, 2008.

“Fork in the Road: Choosing a Bright Future for Engineering,” presented as the invited keynote at the ASEE IL/IN Section Conference, Terra Haute, IN, April 3-5, 2008.

“Raising the Bar: Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes for Tomorrow’s Civil Engineers,” presented at the National Civil Engineering Department Heads Conference, Charlotte, NC, May 28-29, 2008.

“Civil Engineering in 2025: The Vision and How It Was Developed,” presented at the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, HI, June 2007. Co-authored with Michael Chajes and David Mongan.

“Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge: Status and Lessons Learned,” presented at Frontiers in Environmental Engineering Education, Tempe, AZ, January 8-10, 2007.

“Engineering Body of Knowledge: Essential for Success in the Global Environment,” presented as poster paper at the ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 8-12, 2006.

“Body of Knowledge for Civil Engineers: Essential for Success in the International Arena,” presented at the 35th International IGIP Symposium, September 18-21, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia.

“Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge,” presented at the ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute Conference, Omaha, NE, May 21-25, 2006.

“Preparing the Civil Engineer for the Future,” co-authored with J. S. Russell, presented at the National Civil Engineering Department Heads Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, May, 2005.

“Leadership: Lessons Learned,” presented at the Structural Engineering Conference – Iowa Section – ASCE, Ames, IA, November 8, 2004.

“Implementation of ASCE’s Masters or Equivalent Policy: Significance for Structural Engineers,” presented to the Structural Engineers Association of Texas – Annual Conference, Austin, TX, October 22, 2004.

“Flying Solo: Some Thoughts on Starting an Individual Practitioner Consulting Business,” presented at University of Wisconsin Reunion Conference on International Issues in Environmental Engineering and Education, Madison, WI, August 10-12, 2004.

“Improvements to Civil Engineering Education to Provide Prerequisites for Professional Practice in the U.S.,” presented at the International Meeting in Civil Engineering Education, University of Castilla-LaMancha, Ciudad Real, Spain, September 18-20, 2003.

“ASCE’s Raise the Bar Initiative: The Body of Knowledge for the Future,” presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Nashville, TN, June 22-25, 2003.

“Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge: Preparing the Civil Engineer for the Future,” presented at the Department Heads Council Forum: Future Academic Requirements for the Practice of Civil Engineering, ASCE Annual Conference, Washington, DC, November 3, 2002.

“Implementing ASCE’s Masters Policy,” presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 17-19, 2002.

“Valparaiso Water Department Produces Results Through Reengineering,” co-authored with J.A. Hardwick and G. Vania, presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting, Indiana Section, American Water Works Association, Indianapolis, IN, February 2001.

“Reengineering the Valparaiso Water Department: Lessons Learned and Benefits Earned,” co-authored with J.A. Hardwick and G. Vania, presented at the Annual Conference of the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns, Evansville, IN, September 2000.

“Valparaiso Wellhead Protection Program: General Manager’s Perspective and Citizen Volunteer’s Perspective,” co-authored with J.A. Hardwick, presented at the Annual Conference of the Indiana Section, American Water Works Association, Indianapolis, IN, February 1999.

 “Public Involvement: A Wellhead Protection Program Case Study,” co-authored with J. Hardwick, Indiana Rural Water Association, Columbus, Indiana, April 1998, and presented at the Indiana Water Resources Association, Spencer, IN, June 1998.

“DAD is Out, POP is In,” presented at the conference, Water Resources Education, Training and Practice: Opportunities for the Next Century, American Water Resources Association, Keystone, CO, June 1997.

Interaction with the Public and Government Officials in Urban Water Planning,” presented at Hydropolis - The Role of Water in Urban Planning, Wageningen, The Netherlands, March 1993.

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Publications - Selected


“Prop Up Your Presentations,” Prism, The magazine of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Fall 2024.

“A Call to Solve a Licensure Quandary: Let’s Expand Efforts in the Engineering Community to Protect the Public by Reducing or Eliminating Licensure Exemptions,” PE – The Magazine of Professional Engineers, Summer 2024.

“Engineering’s Grand Bargain vs. Licensure-Exemption Laws” and “Engineering Licensure-Exemption Laws: Suggested Reforms to Enhance Public Safety,” both articles appear in The Bridge, The magazine of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), Spring 2023.

“Turning to Nature for New Ideas,” PE – The Magazine for Professional Engineers, National Society of Professional Engineers, Winter 2023.

“Getting Rid of Licensing-Exemption Law,” Machine Design website, March 8, 2022.

“Engineering Licensing Exemptions Put the Public at Unnecessary Risk,” Machine Design website, February 9, 2022.

“Engineering’s Public-Protection Predicament,” PE – The Magazine for Professional Engineers, National Society of Professional Engineers, Winter 2022.

“Engineering’s Three Career Options: Let’s Be Clear,” PE – The Magazine for Professional Engineers, National Society of Professional Engineers, Summer 2021.

“Design Fixation: Avoid It and Innovate More,” Precast, Inc. Magazine, National Precast Concrete Association, May-June, 2020.

“Use Job Interviews to Find Ethical Employees,” On Ethics, PE – The Magazine of Professional Engineers, National Society of Professional Engineers, November/December 2019.

“The Power of Questions: Why the Reluctance to Ask Them?” Indiana Professional Engineer Journal, May/June 2019.

“Can Creating Art Make You a More Effective Engineer?” PE – The Magazine of Professional Engineers, National Society of Professional Engineers, March/April 2019.

“Design Fixation: The Bane of Innovative Engineering,” GEOSTRATA, ASCE, March/April 2019.

“Build Heads of STEAM,” Indiana Professional Engineer Journal, January/February, 2019.

“Nix Negativity Bias,” Indiana Professional Engineer Journal, November/December, 2018.

“Avoid Negativity Bias: You May Be Unwittingly Hampered by Your Brain!” GEOSTRATA, ASCE, July/August, 2018.

“STEM is Good, but STEAM is Better,” Guest Viewpoint, Engineering News-Record, December 27, 2017.

“Action Item: Good News,” Indiana Professional Engineer Journal, November/December, 2017.

“Minimize Scope Creep by Learning Wants and Needs, “ STRUCTURE Magazine, May 2017.

“DWYSYWD,” Indiana Professional Engineer, January/February, 2017.

“Brain Power,” PE, The Magazine for Professional Engineers, January/February, 2017.

“Experiment – Just Try It,” Indiana Professional Engineer, July/August, 2016.

“Possible Influences of the NSPE EBOK and the AAES Engineering Competency Model on the CEBOK3” and “Neuroscience 101: Might Your Teaching and Their Learning Benefit?”, proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016.

“Engineers as Composers,” Indiana Professional Engineer, May/June, 2016.

"Creativity and Innovation as Part of the Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge," proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, June 14-17, 2015.

"Add Brain Basics to Your Professional Development List," Leading Insight column, PE, NSPE, April 2015.

"Engineering's Essence: Building," Indiana Professional Engineer, March/April 2015.

"NSPE's Pan-Engineering Body of Knowledge," proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June 15-18, 2014.

"Create, Use, and Continuously Improve Written Guidance for Repetitive Tasks and Processes," Leadership and Management in Engineering-ASCE, April, 2013.

"Taking Multitasking to Task," Leadership and Management in Engineering-ASCE, January, 2013.

“Staging a Creative Culture,” Leadership and Management in Engineering-ASCE, October, 2012.

“Creativity: Killing or Cultivating?” PE, National Society of Professional Engineers, June, 2012 (a summary version of the January/February 2012 IPE article).

“To Engineer Is To Create: To Create Is To Engineer,” Leadership and Management in Engineering-ASCE, July, 2012.

“Raise the Bar Initiative: The BOK and Leadership Lessons Learned,” proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, June 10-13, 2012.

“A Half Brain is Good: A Whole Brain Much Better,” proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, June 10-13, 2012.

“Creativity/Innovation: Killing or Cultivating?” The Soft Side of Engineering, Indiana Professional Engineer, January/February, 2012, p. 3.

“Art for Engineers: Encouraging More Right-Mode Thinking,“ Leadership and Management in Engineering-ASCE, January 2012.

“Five Suggestions for Engineering Students and Young Practitioners,” Leadership and Management in Engineering - ASCE, July 2011.

“You Know You Are an Engineer,” Leadership and Management in Engineering - ASCE, June 2010.

“Remember When You Almost…” Indiana Professional Engineer, May/June, 2010.

“Still Wrapping Tires in Brown Paper?” Leadership and Management in Engineering - ASCE, April 2010.

“Experience Excellence,” Leadership and Management in Engineering - ASCE, July 2009.

“Boats and Lessons Learned,” Leadership and Management in Engineering – ASCE,
April 2009.

“Thoughts for Senior Engineering Students,” Indiana Professional Engineer, January/February 2009.

“The Price of Perfect,” Leadership and Management in Engineering – ASCE, January 2009.

“Avoiding Digital Disaster,” Indiana Professional Engineer, November/December 2008.

“If I Could Start Over,” Leadership and Management in Engineering – ASCE, October 2008.

“Avoiding But-Phobia,” Leadership and Management in Engineering - ASCE, July 2008.

“Fork in the Road: Choosing a Bright Future,” The Bent of Tau Beta Pi, Spring, 2008, pp. 29-36. Also presented as the invited keynote at the ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section Conference, Terra Haute, IN, April 3-5, 2008.

“Character and Our Imaginary Board of Directors,” Leadership and Management in Engineering – ASCE, April 2008.

 “ASCE Policy Statement 465 and the Body of Knowledge: Significance for Construction Professionals,” The Construction Zone, January-February 2008, pp. 6-7.

“Vision: Pie-In-The-Sky or Organizational Priority?” Leadership and Management in Engineering – ASCE, January 2008.

“You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks,” Leadership and Management in Engineering – ASCE, October 2007.

“To Teach Is To Learn Twice,” Indiana Professional Engineer, September/October 2007, p. 3.

“Price-Based Selection: Three Costs to the Consultant,” Leadership and Management in Engineering – ASCE, July 2007.

“Writing-Less Is More-Part 2”, Indiana Professional Engineer, May/June 2007, p. 3.

“Writing-Less Is More-Part 1”, Indiana Professional Engineer, March/April 2007, p. 3.

“Splintering and the Price We Pay,” PE, NSPE, Summer 2006.

“Finding and Fixing Readily-Remedied Speaking Deficiencies,” Indiana Professional Engineer, March/April, 2006, p. 3.

“Empowerment,” Indiana Professional Engineer, September/October 2006, p. 3.

“The Inverse Talk-Action Law, Indiana Professional Engineer, January/February 2006, p. 3.

“I Ain’t No Role Model,” Indiana Professional Engineer, November/December, 2005, p. 3.

“Preparing the Civil Engineer for the Future,” co-authored with J. S. Russell, E. T. Smerdon, and J. K. Nelson, proceedings, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR, June 12-15, 2005.

“Mistakes: Cremate, Don’t Embalm Them” and “Force or Finesse?” Forum Section, Leadership and Management in Engineering – ASCE, October 2004.

“Preparing the Civil Engineer for the Future: A Broader and Deeper Body of Knowledge,” CE News, September 2003.

“The Chimney Sweep and the Sewer Cleaner: The Importance of Style,” Forum Section, Leadership and Management in Engineering – ASCE, July 2003.

“Preparing for the Future Practice by Raising the Civil Engineering Education Bar,” presented at the 2003 Annual Convention of the American Council of Engineering Companies and published in Compendium of Conference Educational Materials, Boston, MA, May 2003.

“DWYSYWD,” Leadership and Management in Engineering – ASCE, October 2002, p. 8.

“The Future of Civil Engineering,” The Military Engineer, May-June 2002, pp. 39-40.

 “Engineering the Future of Civil Engineering in the United States,” Educating the Engineer for the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Global Engineering Education, (Aachen, Germany, October 2000), Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, 2001.

“Time to Fly Solo?” The Bent of Tau Beta Pi, Summer 2001, pp. 21-24.

 “Tips on Being Successful With a New Client,” CE News, March 2001, pp. 36-38.

 “Seven Reasons to Consider “Going Out On Your Own as a Consultant,” Journal of Management in Engineering – ASCE, September/October 2000.

“Guidebook for Ethics in the Consulting Business,” co-authored with A.W. Saarinen for Camp Dresser & McKee University (CDMU), August 2000.

“Engineering A New Education,” Journal of Management in Engineering – ASCE, March/April 2000, pp. 35-41.

“The First Professional Degree: A Historic Opportunity,” co-authored with J.S. Russell and B. Stouffer, Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice – ASCE, April 2000, pp. 54-63. (For discussion and closure, see JFIEEP, October 2001, pp. 197-201).

“DAD is Out, POP is In,” Journal of the AWRA, June 1999.

“Captains of Our Own Careers,” Editor’s Letter, Journal of Management in Engineering – ASCE, September/October 1998.

“Corporate University: A Consulting Firm Case Study,” co-authored with L.A. Roesner, Journal of Management in Engineering – ASCE, March/April 1998.

“The Case for a Technology Management Institute: A Bigger Plateau of Cooperation,” co-authored with J.S. Russell, D.A. Flack, G.D. Bates, and W.M. Hayden, Jr., Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCE, January/February 1998.

“Job Security Is An Oxymoron,” Civil Engineering – ASCE, February 1997.

“Can We Spare a Paradigm?” part of “Consensus! Students Need More Management Education” Journal of Management in Engineering – ASCE, December 1996.

It’s Project Management, Stupid,” Journal of Management in Engineering – ASCE, January/
February 1996.

“How To Make A Conference Work For You By Working It The Right Way,” Management Digest Section, Journal of Management in Engineering – ASCE, September/October 1995.

“Interaction Between Professionals and the Public In Urban Water Management,” Proceedings of the 1995 National Conference of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Boston, MA, May 1995.

“Interaction With the Public and Government Officials in Urban Water Planning,” Hydropolis – The Role of Water in Urban Planning, Proceedings of the International UNESCO-IHP Workshop, Wageningen, The Netherlands and Emscher Region, Germany, March-April 1993.

Education of Civil Engineers,” Engineering Issues – Journal of Professional Activities – ASCE, July 1977.

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YouTube Videos

“How to Develop a Whole-Brain Mindset,” posted August 2017, 5:59,  

“Neuroscience 101: Brain Basics for Teachers and Students,” posted May 2017, 54:18,   

“How to Use a Whole-Brain Approach to Live and Work Smarter,” posted March 2017, 4:10,

“How You Can Avoid Being Stung by Einstellung: Set Yourself Up for Creativity and Innovation,” posted December 2016, 4:38,    

“How You Can Replace a Bad Habit with a Good Habit,” posted November 2016, 4:23,

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As an aside, I have enjoyed speaking opportunities and/or published papers and one book related to my technical specialty of water resources engineering. Those materials, which contributed to my continuous improvement in technical areas, are not listed here, given the nontechnical focus of this website. However, if you would like a list of my technical presentations and papers, please contact me at:

How can I tell what I think till I see what I say?
- E. M. Forster, English novelist

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Do you have a question, suggestion, idea, or other concern? If so, contact me at or 219-242-1704

The Communicative Engineer: How to Ask, Listen, Write, Speak, and Use Visuals
The Communicative Engineer: How to Ask, Listen, Write, Speak, and Use Visuals

Engineering’s Public-Protection Predicament
Engineering’s Public-Protection Predicament

Introduction to Creativity and Innovation for Engineers
Introduction to Creativity and Innovation for Engineers

Managing and Leading: 52 Lessons Learned for Engineers
Managing and Leading: 52 Lessons Learned for Engineers

Engineering Your Future
Engineering Your Future

Introduction to Creativity and Innovation for Engineers – Global Edition
Introduction to Creativity and
Innovation for Engineers -
Global Edition

Managing and Leading: 
44 Lessons Learned for Pharmacists
Managing and Leading:
44 Lessons Learned for

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