Working with private, public, volunteer, and academic organizations, I have presented or facilitated hundreds of face-to-face seminars, workshops, meetings, and distance learning webinars.
Each of the listed topics, that is, the specific content and the format in which they were presented or facilitated, was originally tailored to meet the needs of one or more organizations. Experience clearly indicates that education and training programs and facilitation efforts must be tailored to an organization -- “off the shelf” does not work.
Topics that I have presented/facilitated are listed below primarily to suggest the variety of material that is available and the various means (e.g., face-to-face or webinars) that can be used to acquire additional knowledge and skill, resolve issues, or pursue opportunities. Perhaps some of these or similar topics, with carefully customized content, would meet the needs of your organization.
- Asking and Listening: Learning About Needs So We Can Fill Them
- Basic Business Communications
- Communication: Writing and Speaking to Make things Happen. A proposed one day hands-on, interactive workshop.
- Facilitating Action-Oriented Meetings
- Preparing, Presenting, and Publishing Professional Papers
- Speaking to Make Good Things Happen: Preparing, Presenting, and Following Up
- Writing: Producing Action-Oriented Documents
- Improved Project Communication Within and Outside of the Project Team
Personal Development
- Change: Can You Spare a Paradigm?
- Change: What Does and What Doesn’t
- Conference Attendance: More “Bang for the Buck” for You and Your Organization
- Dealing with Difficult Behavior and Situations
- Delegation: Why Put Off Until Tomorrow What Someone Else Can Do Today?
- Engineering Your Future in Challenging Economic Times: Ten Tips
- Goal Setting and Getting: The Power of Goals for You and Your Organization
- How to Innovate More by Avoiding Design Fixation
- Leadership: Developing the Leader Within You and Others
- Managing and Leading: Lessons Learned for Engineers
- Mentoring and Coaching: Guidance for the Mentor, the Protégé, and the Organization
- Personal Time Management: Achieving Life Balance
- Taking Talent to the Next Level: Ten Tips
- Ten Tips for Achieving Success and Significance
- The Thrive Five
- Would Doing Art Make You an Even Better Engineer?
Professional Practice
- Benchmarking: Defining Where We Are To Help Decide Where We Want To Go
- Developing an Innovative Culture in Your Firm: Benefits and How To
- Developing Effective Teams: Team Essentials
- Ethical Behavior: The Key to Earning Trust
- Ethics in the Consulting Business
- Five Habits of Highly Effective Marketers
- Flying Solo: How to Start an Individual Practitioner Consulting Business
- Innovation for Civil and Environmental Professionals: A Whole-Brain Approach
- Lessons Learned By Project Managers for Project Managers
- Liability: Minimizing It Is Everyone’s Job
- Marketing: What Clients Are Looking For
- Marketing 101 – Sleazy Activity or Mutually-Beneficial Process? A Marketing Model
- Superior Client Service: What Does Your Client Want?
- Use Neuroscience to be More Productive and Innovative
- Working Smarter: Using Brain Basics to Enhance Individual and Organizational Behavior
Project Management
- Critical Path Method: Introduction to the Method and Software
- Want to be a Project Manager? Look Before You Leap
- Improved Project Communication Within and Outside of the Project Team
- Monitoring Project Budgets and Schedules: Introduction to the Earned Value Method
- Project Plans: The Why and How of Project Planning
- Quality: What Is It? How Do We Achieve It? Quality Control and Quality Assurance
- Scope Creep: Preventing and Resolving Through Project Planning
- Art as Part of Science and Engineering Education?
- Avoiding Interpersonal and Legal Problems Through Improved Communication
- Bottom Line Approach to Your Organization’s Education and Training Program
- Client Roundtables
- Collaboratively and Creatively Solve Problems, Pursue Opportunity, and Create Your Organization's Future: Use Both Sides of the Brain. Click here for a detailed description.
- Creating A Corporate University to Support Organizational Vision-Mission-Values
- Floodplain Guidelines
- Fluoride Panel: To Fluoridate or Not to Fluoridate?
- How to Prepare and Implement a Successful Strategic Plan
- Implementation of a Consent Decree
- Motivating Personnel: Hire and Grow Winners
- Neuroscience 101: Might Your Teaching and Their Learning Benefit?”
- Non-Point Source Pollution Indicator Study
- Pipe Panel: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) versus Ductile Iron (I)
- Recruiting and Retaining “A” Personnel
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If any of the listed topics, or variations on or combinations of them, resonate with your needs, please contact me for a personal consultation (Tel: 219-242-1704 or email: Tailored education and training can effectively address knowledge, skill, and attitude deficiencies in public, private, academic, or volunteer organizations. Challenging issues can be resolved via facilitation, mentoring and coaching, and tutoring and teaching. Also, consider what might be the most cost-effective approach, that is, face-to-face or webinars.
Maybe you want to raise the bar even higher and consider creating a corporate university or institute. I have helped organizations do just that and am confident that I could assist you. Contact me.
Finally, regardless of how you approach education and training, please make optimum use of personnel within your organization. Every public, private, academic, or volunteer entity that I have worked with has at least a few individuals who are both experts and effective presenters. You probably have such experts who can provide tutoring and teaching in areas such as goal setting, time management, ethics, writing, speaking, difficult behavior, team essentials, marketing model, project planning, scope creep, quality control, quality assurance, liability, Critical Path Method, and Earned Value Method. I can help you facilitate their active participation in your education and training program.
Stuart G. Walesh
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